Hafiza Aliya
4 min readJan 1, 2021

I want to share my story of the present week. This week I had two tasks.

The first one is; I had to complete my Amal course of Project Work 4 on Thursday evening (31st December 2020) and the second one is; The hen’s coop had to be cleaned. So, I can enjoy New Year's night but due to my laziness and multiple distractions, I couldn’t complete both the tasks. In this way, I am doing my work on New Year's Day.

When I started my Amal Project Work4 on Wednesday, I learned about POMODORO TECHNIQUE. I decided that I should try this technique on both tasks.

What is the Pomodoro Technique? Who develops this technique?

The Pomodoro technique is a great method of managing and saving your precious time. It was developed by Francesco Cirillo in the late 1980s. He was a student of Guido Carli International University, the technique was given its unusual name thanks to the way it was conceived. Finding that he was easily distracted, Cirillo decided to give himself the challenge of studying without interruption for 10 minutes. He used a tomato-shaped kitchen timer to keep track, and ‘Pomodoro’ is, quite simply, the Italian word for tomato.



The technique uses a timer to break down work into intervals, 25 minutes in length, separated by 5 minutes break and after every 4 intervals, there is a 15-minute break.


So, I applied this technique to my Amal course of Project work4. I set the timer to 25 minutes on my mobile and firstly I turned off the internet from my mobile because of social media distraction. I started my course and focus and my eyes on my work. After 25 minutes timer rang and then I take 5 minutes to break to stretch my body and take white chocolate because I love white chocolates. Then I set the second timer of 25 minutes again and then doing work with full concentration. When the third timer of 25 minutes rang yahoo! I completed my course in project work 4. I realized when I was doing my work like usual then I couldn’t able to complete it on one day that’s Thursday. I am very happy to see this achievement through this wonderful technique.

Again I applied this technique on my second task which was about hen’s coop. Firstly I hold my cutie hens in my hand and put them in the courtyard then I set the timer to 25 minutes and then I cleaned the hen’s coop without any distraction. Tadaa! I cleaned the whole hen’s coop. My hens were so happy and I was also so happy because I completed both tasks on Thursday.

So, this experience is not difficult for me definitely however it’s a wonderful and helpful technique. I’ll use this technique in most of the work tasks and home chores regularly because I love this tool.


I realized that this technique is beneficial to me in the following ways:

· Avoid distractions and control my precious time

· Completed my tasks on deadline

· Motivating me I can complete my work on the given deadline.

Now Pomodoro Technique is my favorite tool. I became more productive and active in my work through this technique.

