Hafiza Aliya
3 min readFeb 19, 2021

I am doing an online course for the first time. At the start, I felt scared and nervous because I was introverted and had little confidence. At that time I had some questions in my mind. How is it? How many people there? How can I speak in front of people?

If it scares you, it may be a good thing to try~Seth Godin.”

The three-month journey of Amal Career Fellowship is the most inspirational and memorable journey of my life. It’s difficult to tell about the moments of only the first two weeks but I can’t imagine this journey helped me to discover myself in a deep way, to do many things like informative and insightful courses, DIY activities, 1-on-1 sessions, and projects, etc. such an amazing and memorable experience of my life. When I was on this fountain side in my university I was thinking like rainbow colors; my life filled with many colors of insightful and informative thoughts and ideas through this Amal journey.

“Enjoy the little things in life, for one day you may look back and realize they were the biggest things.”

In the first two weeks of this fellowship, the courses from pw1 and pw2 inspiring me a lot because they changed my whole life in a positive way. After knowing Amal’s secrets (Keep learning new things, become a lifelong learner), Amal values Honesty, Responsibility, Humility, Growth, Acceptance, Amal’s four principles Khudi, Amal, Kam Kam, Ek, or Ek Gyarah. I discovered myself deeply through my Life map, my strength, my values, my SMART goals, the concept of MVTP, everyday leadership, persuadable leadership.


Actually, this three-month fellowship especially the first two weeks of courses has changed a lot in me. I realized this Aliya is very different from the previous one because she is a positive thinker, passionate, more confident, good team player, lifelong learner, interested in learning new things, believe and remember all Amal principles, secrets, and values, found a true friend Hareerah, even found great facilitators, Sir Hamza and Ma’am Huda who always gave me a quick response and guided me and other humble, kind and helpful fellows. Now she is the happiest person because of the reminder of the Amal family and I learned through this memorable journey is to be happy, be confident, be honest, be positive, be humble, continuous hard worker and believe in yourself.

Now, this amazing journey is going to an end and I’ll miss a lot because I learned many insightful things and paying gratitude to B176 facilitators, my best friend, circle 6 members, and all fellows who believe me encouraged me, helped me, appreciating me, and giving me constructive feedback in every step of this fellowship.


Life is like a railway journey so here’s a new station which is waiting for us. Be happy and make yourself more productive.


